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Blogger Buddy 1.1.0, a cool gadget for bloggers

Blogger Buddy 1.1.0

We did some tweaking to the Blogger Buddy gadget recently, mostly to re-write the code and try to account for the errors people have gotten trying to login and see their blog to post on. The new version is the same interface, but we cleaned some stuff up and made it more compatible with Windows 7.

The 1.1.0 version of the gadget includes better error handling and logging, so we can track down problems people are having and try to determine the best way to fix them. It's always tricky trying to fix remote problems that we can't replicate in the lab, so this version should be able to not only help with that, but we also fixed the view links for blogs (no more going to an odd, obscure XML page, yay!), and added in a lot of try catch code to handle individual error cases (hopefully this means that more blogs will show up for people). :)

As always, let us know if you run into problems and we'll see what we can do. And before someone suggests it, we did check out tagging for this update, though Blogger's API was being sporadic on it, so we decided to leave it out for now. We'll try to revisit it for future updates once the rest of the gadget is more stable.


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