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The Russian - Hacking Using The IP Address

The Russian - Hacking Using The IP Address


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If you want to gain acsess to a computer first you will need there ip address, i recommend you use command or cmd. If you dont no what this is stop now. To open up cmd go to start>Run>(then type cmd)and press enter.
I recommend that you use msn messenger while trying to get someones ip address, first what you do is:
>open msn messenger and sign in.
>open cmd (see above) and type in ''netstat''
>You will see a few ip addresses in the foreign address list.
>write these down or make a note of them.
>Now start sending a file to your victim using msn messenger
>After they accept the file open cmd and type in netstat again
>The ip address that is in the foregin list that wasent there before is the ip of you victim.


Now that you have your victims ip address you now need a trojan software such as sub7 this software is also known as RATS (im not listing RATS you can find them out for yourself but i will post i link at bottom of website that might help you) Once you have the software (RAT) you will need to send the victim your server, (WARNING! if you victim has a firewall or anti - virus software then you've had it cause the firwall will block you out and the anti - virus software will delete your server. but if you lucky and your victim is a idiot and has no security on there pc then just send them it and use the ip address you found to connect to them.

Netstat = displays ip address connected to your computer (victims)
Ping [IP] = shows if the ip specified is real
Nbtstat -a [IP] = if this shows a list of stuff and a 20 in one of the rows then you can do stuff.


shas convicted said...

If any dought contanct me

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